The Lauren Condominium Association



Annual Meeting -- May 5, 1999

President’s Report
Talking Notes

Joseph Morris


I. Traditional to start with thanks and acknowledgements

  • Introductions:
  • Board: Mike Silverstein, Elizabeth VanderPutten, Adrienne Simenhoff, Waldemar Weisziek. John Doolittle resigned in September, after nine years of service for which all members should be grateful.
  • Brian Larkin: Maintained the Association's web page; he will report.
  • Landscaping committee: Don Benedict, help of Cacho.
  • Staff: Walter Krolman: Competence and civility.
  • Other staff contribute to the quality of life.
  • - Henry Ambe recognized for 10 years
  • - Others for outstanding service on particular occasions
  • - Joe Douglass, Whiteford, Taylor, and Preston
  • - Susan Fitzpatrick, financial management support firm, Dubin & Assoc.

II. Highlights of year: Essentially uneventful; that is, a year of few surprises; will hear more from treasurer's report

Lobby redecoration: a big capital expenditure that four successive boards have judged necessary for the viability of the building.

Last year:

- Committee made conceptual proposal.

- Board accepted and added to.

- Cost increased over anticipated because what we could buy for money would not have had big enough visual impact.

- After committee reported and disbanded, Board acting independently hired Georgetown Design Group, Mokhless Al Hariri's firm, first for detailed specs, then as essentially contractor for redecoration.

This year: major components of work finished

- lobby wall surfaces

- new US mailbox in lobby

- lobby ceiling and lighting

- refurbishing of lobby marble floor

- first floor hallways: new wall covering and carpet; doors painted

- new side doors on N and Sunderland

- new front double doors

- vestibule between double doors refurbished

- brick paving at entrance

- lobby clerk's office gutted and rebuilt

- elevator lobby and stairs: new flooring and railings

- elevator lobby: new wall covering and mirrors

- elevator interiors: lights, ceiling, and wall covering

- elevator interiors: graffiti removed from doors and metalwork

Unfortunately, without new furniture, work is not seen to best effect: right now it looks empty & threadbare.

- New furniture was always a part of the plan.

- Delay in furniture has been too long and board apologizes for this. Decorating has always been the most difficult topic for the board to make decisions on.

- We received two proposals for furniture: one from decorating committee and one from GDG. We rejected both of them; then attempted to come up with our own scheme; which was also a failure.

- At April meeting we resolved to hire a decorator to get the job done and have had interviews. I would recommend that the next board continue on this plan.

There are some problems with the work that has been done, which we are slowly resolving:

- Board received numerous and vociferous objections to new elevator interior lighting and wall covering and resolved to correct this.

- There has been a problem with lighting, and with elevator lobby mirror. We are still missing a bulletin board. Stairway walls are scuffing. Door latch is awkward.

o New chiller installed April 1998 is working fine after some initial, to be expected, adjustment problems.

o Lawsuit: In May, 1998, a lawsuit was filed by Ms. Jan Schneider in D.C. Superior Court (Civil Action Number 98ca003887) naming the Association and several individuals as defendants.

It is not possible to discuss the lawsuit at this meeting without risk to the Association. Walter Krolman can give you the necessary reference so that you can obtain public filings from the court. We have also given a copy of the complaint to members when asked.

The Association is being defended by a lawyer appointed by and paid by our insurance company. We have also asked our regular counsel, Whiteford, Taylor, and Preston, to monitor the proceedings--to passively follow them on our behalf.

The insurance company has said they are providing a defense under a "reservation of rights," that is, their provision of a defense does not mean that they necessarily accept responsibility for any damages the Association may be required to pay. They have stated that at least some of the claims against the Association fall outside our coverage. The Association has disputed this interpretation.

It would be impractical to go into detail on this here. If you want more information, please write the board a note and the board should answer in writing to the extent that it can.

o Cable and internet services: board, especially Waldemar, investigated services providing high-speed internet access and cable TV. These will become standard soon and we must know competitors. No decision made yet but we would like to go ahead. Most would involve no cost to Association.

o Upcoming major expenditure: It is expected that the roof will need replacing in 2000. Will cost $200,000. We will have a preliminary assessment of condition this summer.

o Finance: continuing strengthening: holding line on operating costs and augmenting reserves. 1999 was the first year in a while of no condo fee increase. Mike will have details.

osted December 9, 1999