The Lauren, A Condominium
Dupont Circle Neighborhood NEWS

Date: August 8, 2009
From: Cultural Tourism DC

Music - Tuesday Concert Series: Angela Kelly, Ibby Roberts, and Julie Bernstein

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
12:10 PM - 1:00 PM
Location: Church of the Epiphany
(1 1/2 blocks west of Metro Center)

The Tuesday Concert Series features vocal and instrumental soloists as well as musical ensembles from all over the Washington area. The music is mostly classical, but regular attendees have learned to expect the occasional surprise!

Today hear Angela Kelly, flute; Ibby Roberts, bassoon; and Julie Bernstein, piano; perform the music of Robert Schumann, Pierre Max Dubois, Otar Taktakishvili, and Ludwig von Beethoven.

If you work downtown during the week, come in, support the local music community, and be recharged with the gift of music.

Event Information

Location: Main Sanctuary
Admission: Free, but donations requested for the artists
For more info: Online

General Information

Church of the Epiphany (1 1/2 blocks west of Metro Center)
Address: 1317 G Street, NW
Metro: Metro Center (Blue, Orange, and Red lines)
Phone: 202-347-2635

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