The Lauren, A Condominium
Dupont Circle Neighborhood NEWS

From: "Karyn-Siobhan Robinson <>

Daytime Residential Street Sweeping Will Be Suspended 

January 9 - March 17 

Street Cleaning Along Major Arterials Continues All Winter

(Washington, DC) As it does every winter, DPW will temporarily suspend routine residential street cleaning from January 9 to March 17. During this time, "No Parking/Street Cleaning" restrictions will be lifted. Residents and visitors who park along posted, alternate- side, daytime street sweeping routes will not be required to move their cars on street-sweeping days during the sweeper hiatus.

Residential street cleaning resumes Monday, March 20, 2006.

However, overnight sweeping scheduled for the District's major arterials (such as Pennsylvania, Georgia, Constitution, Independence Avenues and others) will take place as usual all winter, with the attendant parking ban during sweeping hours. Motorists are urged not to park in these areas during the posted overnight hours.

As colder weather approaches, motorists are also reminded that during declared snow emergencies, vehicles can be ticketed and towed if they remain parked on designated snow emergency routes. Look for the red and white signs before parking this winter.

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