The Lauren, A Condominium
Dupont Circle Neighborhood NEWS

From: "dupont_anc_2b02" <>

District Declares Snow Emergency for 8 am Saturday Morning

( Information received from District Department of Transportation)

(Washington, DC) National Weather Service is forecasting precipitation in the form of snow for the Washington, D.C. area beginning early Saturday morning through Sunday morning. Snow and snow mixed with sleet is expected, accumulating from 4 to 8 inches in the District.

The District will declare a Snow Emergency starting at 8 am Saturday morning, January 22. At that time, all streets designated as Snow Emergency Routes must be clear of parked vehicles to allow snow plows access to the curb lanes. These routes are marked with red and white signs. Failure to move a vehicle will result in the relocation of the vehicle by tow-truck and a $250 fine.

Home and business owners are reminded that they are responsible for shoveling and salting steps leading from their property, as well as sidewalks and driveways abutting their homes and businesses. Snow should be shoveled into yards and treeboxes, not back into the street.

The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) and the Department of Public Works (DPW) will deploy snow trucks and crews beginning early Saturday morning. Initial crews will pre-treat with de-icer and salt concentrating on bridges, overpasses and main roadways. DDOT/DPW will have over 200 light and heavy trucks mobilized for the storm; all five salt domes will be operational.

Major roads and residential streets will be continuously plowed and salted throughout the day. Main roads are scheduled to be cleared within 18 hours after the end of the snowstorm and a majority of residential streets will be passable within 18 to 36 hours after the end of a storm of this intensity.

Temperatures throughout this storm are forecast to be below freezing and drivers are strongly urged to be cautious and to watch for hazardous and icy conditions. Motorists are advised to stay off the roads as much as possible or use Metro if absolutely necessary.

Sent by Edward Solomon

Karyn-Siobhan Robinson is the ANC Commissioner for single member district (SMD) 2B02. Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2B meets the second Wednesday of each month.

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